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​Cultural travelers come to Sao Vicente for its various well-known events such as Karnaval, San Joao, Baia Das Gatas, All Saints or “Halloween” and of course Christmas and New Year. 


Cape Verdians love to party and the Karnaval with its week long Brazillian style processions is the highlight of their year.


16th - 21st February 2023 - Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras.

San Joao

San Joao is celebrated by the Cape Verdeans to keep them safe at sea and return with a bountiful catch. Unique dancing boats, relentless drums and a hip-grinding fertility dance called the Cola de San Joao.


End of July.


If you're in Mindelo in August then be sure to see the Festival de Musica at Baia Das Gatas - it's unique, free, and totally wild. Sixty thousand people crowd the coral beach for a long, hot weekend.


August Full Moon.

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